On 26th September Everglow the Rebecca Kruza Foundation Committee members: myself, Kate, Lizzie Smith and Louise Mermut, met with East Kent midwife representatives: Carol Drummond and Maddie Harris.

It was reassuring to find it very productive and we agreed a collaboration to improve maternity care and services. To begin, communication between Molly O’Brien, of Optimal Birth Prep., an experienced midwife who has developed and practices biomechanic techniques, and Carol Drummond, will instigate a form of training workshops for East Kent midwives. After the Bill Kirkup report is released on 19th October, we will meet again with the local midwifery representatives, and any other mothers/ fathers who have grievances to raise from recent maternity/perinatal experiences, to explore. more improvements designed from a bottom up approach, putting midwifery skills and expertise, and obstetrics, first. This includes some fine tuning of enduring and crucial issues evidenced in our Table of Identified Problems from 2019/20.

Any assistance you can lend with admin. / social media, will be very much appreciated, and I’m available on the contacts supplied.

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