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2A) BIRTH TRAUMA ,Consequences and What Mum’s Need

24th Feb, 2021 | Information

Everglow Campaign: Survey: For What Mum’s Need. Taken from Maternal, Paternal and infant  Accounts making up a Table of Identified Maternal/Perinatal Problems within East Kent CCG: 

No.3. : Attitudes/Approaches/Tender Loving Care (TLC) of doctors, gynaecologists, obstetricians and midwives:Suggestions for Improvements: “Listen to Mothers when in labour and in early post natal months”.


Birth Afterthoughts is exactly what is says;a self referral afterthought to be accessed after discharge which for some is very hard once back in the domestic chaos.



“A study by the University of Kent into postnatal depression (PND) found the odds of developing this condition increased by up to 79 per cent when mothers had boys compared to baby girls.Overall, for mothers who have sons, the risk of having PND is between 71 and 79 per cent higher than those who have daughters.

And women who suffered complications during birth were 174 per cent more likely to experience PND when compared to those who did not.

Researchers said the findings have led them to the conclusion that acknowledging both male infants and birth complications are PND risk factors can help health professionals identify and support women who may be more likely to develop the condition.